Hi there and thanks for dropping by my website. My name is Bart De Wolf. Born 1966 in Belgium to a working dad and a stay home mom. Two sisters joined the club soon after me.
I finished elementary school as one of the best of my class. So for secondary school my parents got me into a catholic college to study Latin Mathematics. But I was not really motivated and a few years later I was amongst the last of my grade.
At age 17 I got my first computer : a Commodore C64. During my last year of secondary school I spent a lot of time programming in Basic and machine code, and of course... playing games.
But that first computer experience set the stage for my career choice. While many of my class mates went for Civil Engineer, I chose IT. I got the opportunity to study at the Brussels Free University. I graduated in 1988 as a Master of Information Technology.
Just two months later I landed my first job and left home. To find myself being accompanied only days later. And with time stuck in alcohol and pill abuse. I split from my first relationship after a few years.
In 1996 I was with a woman from El Salvador who was living in Brussels. When she got pregant we decided to get married and move to El Salvador. We did so in July of 1996. Click here to read more of my story and how I became a Christian whilst living in El Salvador.
I got to know MLM in 1996 in El Salvador when a neighbour showed me "the plan" of the Amway bizop. In 2001 I discovered online business. In 2002 I started this website.
Over the years I investigated and tried a lot. I invested time and money again and again. And set up several websites.
Eventually I got to a point where I get small financial successes from time to time. But not enough yet to quit my J.O.B. - if you know what I mean. So currently I am still a rat race participant, working full time as an Analyst Programmer.
In May 2010 my wife, our three daughters, our son and myself moved back to Belgium. With all the responsibilities such a big family brings, I keep pressing on, trying to make the internet dream work for me! I will keep you posted on how it goes.
God bless,
Bart De Wolf